Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Town projects.......

    Today begins a series of blogs with photos from a few projects that are, or have been going on in our little town of Sharon. Today I start with the work being done to the culvert on Calkinstown Road, just a couple of hundred feet up from Gay Street.

    This project is the third I think of some bridge/culvert repair being done on town roads here in Sharon by Sharon contractors in recent months. The brother's Amerighi, Dave and Mike, whose company is Sharon Masonry, are doing the repairs to this culvert. A whole new base of concrete has been poured, over which all the water flows. Repairs have been done to the end walls, and rebar (reinforcement bars) is in place for future use in case the walls need more repair. The craziest thing about this culvert is that a 8" or 10" water main goes cross-wise thru the culvert area, because it comes down the hill from the Calkinstown reservoir. A funny note also is the water in the pipe is from the reservoir, and the water in the brook passing thru the culvert is run-off from Beardsley Reservoir. So, water runs from both reservoirs in two different directions in the same small area........at least I think that's right.

I'm not sure who to really thank but it sure is nice to see local workers from our town doing work on our towns roads and bridges when they can. If they are capable, and can do the job, why not?

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