Sunday, March 15, 2009

was that a nice day or what?

OK---all of you out there who are or were residents of Sharon, or the NW corner. Remember when Sharon had a car wash? It was a Softspray Coin-Op, two bays, orange and white in color and it was right where the Post Office is now.(before that was a house where the Donovan family lived), which incidentally Morris Movers jacked up and moved to the end of Still Meadow Road, along about Sept. 5th, 1965 or so. I was in a wicked dirt-ball fight with friends the night before school started is how I remember it so well. 5th grade started the next day. Not for me though cuz I caught one in the eye, and never started school till January or later. Boy, is that ancient history!

I tell all of that to tell you that is was so nice today! I hooked up an outside faucet and washed our two cars and my truck after church! And swept out the barn. And raked up some sticks. It was a great day! Hope you got out in it too! (and I sure hope there are more to come...soon!)

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