Monday, August 8, 2011

Round Bales

I caught up with a good friend, local businessman Scott Garay, a few weeks back and he was making hay while the sun was shining!

First he places all the cut hay in windrows, from which it will be picked up by his round baler.

Was this a beautiful day or what?

This second cutting had that nice healthy smell of good fresh cut grasses just as I learned to love from when I was a boy and worked on Haisdan Farm. Those two summers there I learned so many of life's experiences and lessons, and I look back on that as some of the best days of my life.

As the load nears its ready-point, the operator slows to stop, works some hydraulics to open the back and roll out the bale of hay

Now I did not have my zoom this day, so it is a bit hard to see the raised back. Perhaps clicking on the picture will enlarge it so you can see. Whatever, take my word for worked. P.S....Scott is very careful to not open on a steep grade or his roll of hay can take off fast and furiously!

So that's how a round bale comes to be! The next step is to come along with a tractor with a big point on the lift, and they just spear the bale, lift it up and off to the storage area for cover or wrapping, to be used for next winters feeding.

Thanks to Scott for the invitation to hang-out and watch him do his thing. I really had a fun time and appreciated it! I have some really great shots from the day which may become part of a photo show some time. We'll have to see.....ya' never know!

PS....I'm back!

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