Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mitcheltown Bridge work finally begins...

Safety was of great importance when the Selectmen closed the Mitcheltown Road to thru traffic a number of years ago now, as the bridge was deemed not safe for travel. After a great deal of "discussions" with neighboring property owners, work which has been basically stalemated has begun.

 I live on the other side of town, so the road really didn't affect my traveling much, but I am sure those who live near-bye will indeed appreciate getting the road open again. I also understand how the owner of the major property adjoining it must have certainly enjoyed not having a cars going thru. The family owns much land in the area, on both sides of the road, and making it private must have indeed been nice, for sure. But, the road was there long before any of us came to be, and the town voted to not "sell" it to the family, so therefore it needs to be fixed. Enough time has gone by. Onward!

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