Thursday, September 30, 2010

Town of Sharon vehicle

Parked in front of the about-to-open Sharon Farm Market most every day lately has been the T/O Sharon vehicle that our building inspector/fire marshall Stan MacMillan Jr. drives. Now there are some who might say "uh-oh....Stan's finding problems for the Choi's" but not me. I say that I am very thankful for Stan and all that he does.

Many years ago, when I was very active in the fire company, it seemed to me that we had our share of fires in Sharon, of which some were quite sizable, causing damage to many structures. But if my observations are at all correct, the amount of fire calls of serious nature are far less than just 15-20 years ago. And frankly, I give much of that credit to a building inspector who does his job, and who knows the codes and enforces them. Working with Stan is simple when doing a project. The answer? Do it right. Plain and simple. Don't cut corners. Follow the code. Do it right. That's all Stan makes you do, and it's for your own good.

Stan has been at the new market a lot, because the Choi's have had to restore a sad, sad store. I know he's been writing lots of things for them to do before letting them open. But in the long run, I am sure that The Choi's (and you and I as their customers) will appreciate having a totally safe and sound market, from the roof to the floor, and everything in-between. Nothing like what the previous owner had quite obviously, or what he left the new owners to correct.

T-Minus 3 days....and counting!

 Can't wait!

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